US Brewers Cup is a coffee brewing competition that highlights the craft and skill of manual filter coffee brewing.
There are two services in Brewers Cup: Open and Compulsory. For compulsory service, competitors brew three beverages from the same whole bean coffee provided to them by the competition. These coffees are evaluated by judges on a standardized numerical scale based on sensory components such as aroma, flavor, body, and acidity. In Open Service, competitors present and brew three beverages with a coffee of their choice for judges with an accompanying presentation.
championship sponsors
The U.S. Brewers Cup Championship could not happen without the generous support of our Sponsors. Sponsorship is coordinated by the USCC Leadership Committee and organized with Championship Hosts. From equipment and gear to the use of space all contributions work to create an excellent competition experience for all.
FORTUNA of Greensboro, NC
Fortuna's humble beginnings started in 2000 as a small importer catering to the local Italian business in Greensboro, North Carolina. In 2010, Fortuna Coffee became the roasting portion of the business introducing freshly locally roasted coffee to the Triad. Nearly 25 years later, Fortuna has grown to be known as the "one stop shop" providing complete, comprehensive, concept to completion solutions for both new and established coffee shops and restaurants. We are proud to have developed a reputation recognized throughout the country for top-of -the-line products, services, training, and customer care.
Fortuna's foundation continues to revolve around supporting the surrounding community. As we look back in history we see how coffee has brought community and new ideas together. Cafes today continue to hold these ideologies connecting people locally and globally. Competitions additionally provide a valuable platform bringing competitors together who push the boundaries of what the craft of this brown liquid can offer. This creativity and hunger for curiosity is what continues to inspire everyone involved in the competition sector. We want to continue nurturing the evolution of this industry molded by the innovation sparked by these aspiring individuals.
Photo by Jason Miller, Onyx Coffee Lab
U.S. Coffee Championships is proud to announce Justin Bull of Helm Coffee in Indianapolis, IN as the 2025 U.S. Brewers Cup Champion! In Second & Third Place, respectively, Justin is joined by Christian Bak of Be Bright Coffee in Los Angeles, CA and Pack Katisomsakul of Newberry Street Coffee Street in Boston, MA
Champion - Justin Bull, Helm Coffee, Indianapolis, IN
2nd Place - Christian Bak, Be Bright Coffee, Los Angeles, CA
3rd Place - Pack Katisomsakul, Newberry Street Coffee, Boston, MA
4th Place - Joshua Clements, Amberson Coffee Roasters, Indianapolis, IN
5th Place - Elika Liftee, Onyx Coffee Lab, Rogers, AR
6th Place - John Dixon, Mad Black Coffee / Black & White Coffee Roasters, Raleigh, NC
Competitors of the U.S. Brewers Cup Championship have qualified from three Regional Qualifying Events hosted by Black & White Coffee Roasters of Raleigh, NC, Messenger Coffee of Kansas City, MO, and Luminous Coffee of Las Vegas, NV. The Top 6 competitors from each of these qualifying events will brew high quality manual brews in order to become the 2025 U.S. Brewers Cup Champion! During Open Service, these competitors will bring a coffee of their choosing and brew and serve it to a panel of judges. During Compulsory, competitors will receive a coffee, blindly, and work to brew the best cup of coffee from what they discover. These coffees will be evaluated and scored by panels of Nationally Ranked Brewers Cup Judges!
Judges of the National Brewers Cup Championship have been trained and vetted by the Judge Operations Lead of the U.S. Brewers Cup Committee throughout the 2025 Season. Judges have been invited from Regional Events, past Championships, and from other Competition Bodies. These judges go through an extensive Calibration Workshop where they come into consensus and discuss the various attributes of coffee in terms of quality. Judges are certified by the Head Judges of the U.S. Brewers Cup Championship in recognition of their skills, fairness, and dedication for the Brewers Cup Championship.
The U.S. Coffee Championships are fully volunteer organized and produced. From leaders working year-round in the background to foster partnerships with sponsors and the U.S. Coffee Community to those in the grassroots initiatives of our Regional & National Events, everyone who contributes to the competition is here because of their dedication and support of specialty coffee and the people that make it up. These competitions would not exist and could not be produced without the dedicated support of these volunteers, judges, and partnerships. We don’t do it for the money, we do it for the love of coffee!